Scholarships & Awards – The College of Piping And Celtic Performing Arts of Canada
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Scholarships & Awards

Awards are offered in all disciplines to recognize excellence, encourage further study and development, and assist parents with tuition costs.  For more information about funding an Award, please contact us at 1-877-BAGPIPE or

The Doug and Debbie Hall Pipe Band Scholarship

Doug and Debbie Hall make their homes in Cincinnati, Ohio and Springbrook, Prince Edward Island. They have had a long affiliation as donors, students, and advisors to The College of Piping. They have chosen to become the patrons for The College of Piping Pipe Band. Doug and Debbie recognize the importance of the role of music in children’s lives and they believe strongly that the personal development of a child is impacted positively through group activities.

Goals of the Hall Pipe Band Scholarship

  • To inspire Belonging through performing and working with others
  • To inspire a sense of Accomplishment through learning achievements
  • To inspire Fun & Excitement through music performance
  • To inspire Leadership through personal and group competitions

As the patrons of The College of Piping Pipe Band, Doug and Debbie Hall have made it possible for hundreds of Island youth to experience and enjoy the power of music. In so doing, they are providing inspiration for parents to stand up, reach out and make a difference in the lives of their children.

Eligible students must

  • Be 8-18 years old
  • Be residents of Prince Edward Island
  • Enroll in lessons in Highland bagpiping or drumming
  • Join the College band system when deemed capable by their instructor

A Scholarship includes

  • One weekly group lesson from September through June.

Scholarship recipients are expected to

  • Write a thank you letter to Doug & Debbie Hall – Delivered to The College by December 1st of each year
  • Participate in at least one band fundraiser per year
  • Attend classes and practices regularly
  • Demonstrate a commitment to learning

Value of a Scholarship

  • The total value of the Scholarship is $750.00
Doug and Debbie

Faye and Richard Wood Award

Faye and Richard Wood have established a new award to support the College of Piping and Celtic Performing Arts of Canada’s fiddle program. The award will be presented annually to a continuing College of Piping fiddle student by the couple, and will cover the cost of their tuition for weekly lessons for the following year. The award will recognize work ethic and dedication, a positive mindset, and future potential.

Wood played many performances at the College of Piping as his career took off, and he and partner Faye wanted to give back and show support for the next generation of fiddlers: ”We are so very grateful for the work the College of Piping does to preserve traditional Celtic music and dance in our province and we are so honoured to be able to contribute to the future of Prince Edward Island fiddle music.”


Congratulations to the 2023 winner, Samuel Richard!

The Munro Family Award

The Munro Family Award was established in 2000 by Penelope Munro in honour of her family and their history on Prince Edward Island. The Award is awarded annually to a deserving student enrolled in The College of Piping drumming program. The recipient must be a resident of Prince Edward Island and be in at least their second year of studies. The student must demonstrate a commitment to their art.

Congratulations to the 2023 winner, Madeline Oliver!

Marion Riehl Award

The Marion Riehl Award is awarded annually to a Highland dance student at The College of Piping. The intention of the Award is to encourage young people to study and participate in the ancient art of Highland dance. Marion Riehl created this Award in recognition of her family’s Scottish heritage. Both Mrs. Riehl’s mother’s and father’s ancestors came from Scotland and settled in Prince Edward Island. Her mother, Jennie (Simpson) Humphrey, was a descendant of William and Janet (Winchester) Simpson, who were the very first settlers of Cavendish in 1790. Their log cabin was built by a pond in what today is the Green Gables Golf Course in the National Park. The Riehl Award recognizes excellence in Highland dancing.

Congratulations to the 2023 winner, Olivia MacKay!

Marion Riehl

The Ernest Shaw Memorial Award (Munro Award)

This Award was established in 1999 by Penelope Munro to honour the memory of her father, the late Ernest Shaw. The Shaw lineage can be traced back to the late 1700s when most of the first families arrived from Scotland to Prince Edward Island. The Award is awarded annually to a deserving student enrolled in the bagpiping program. The recipient must be a resident of Prince Edward Island and be in at least their second year of studies. The student must demonstrate a commitment to their art.

Congratulations to the 2023 winner, Harrison Craig!

Scholarships Awards


Harrison Craig

Piping scholarship

Ernest Shaw Memorial Award


Madeline Oliver

Drumming scholarship

Munro Family Award


Samuel Richard

Fiddle scholarship

Faye & Richard Wood Award


Olivia MacKay

Highland Dance scholarship

Marion Riehl Award

Student of the Year Awards

One student from each discipline will receive this award at the Year End Recital in June. The awards reward students who consistently demonstrate the community spirit of the College in their actions, commitment and their interaction with others.


Jacqueline Moase

Overall Student of the Year


Sylvie Arseneau



Max and Will Newson



Olive St. Onge

Fiddle Student of the Year


Jacklyn Newrick

Step Dancing


Elli Joe Peters

Contemporary Dance/Acro Student of the Year


Emilie Rogers

Highland Dance

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