Scholarships & Awards

The College of Piping And Celtic Performing Arts of Canada

All disciplines offer awards to recognize excellence, encourage further study and development, and assist parents with tuition costs. For more information about funding an award, please contact us at 1-877-BAGPIPE or in**@co*************.com

​The Doug and Debbie Hall Pipe Band Scholarship

Doug and Debbie Hall reside in Cincinnati, Ohio, and Springbrook, Prince Edward Island. They have a long history as donors, students, and advisors to The College of Piping. They are patrons of The College of Piping Pipe Band, believing music positively impacts children’s personal development through group activities.

Goals of the Hall Pipe Band Scholarship:

  • Inspire belonging through performing and working with others.
  • Foster a sense of accomplishment through learning achievements.
  • Encourage fun and excitement through music performance.
  • Promote leadership through personal and group competitions.

Doug and Debbie have enabled hundreds of Island youth to experience music’s transformative power.

Eligible students must:

  • Be 8-18 years old.
  • Be residents of Prince Edward Island.
  • Enroll in Highland bagpiping or drumming lessons.
  • Join the college band system when their instructor deems them capable. One weekly lesson from September through June.

Scholarship recipients are expected to:

  • Write a thank-you letter to Doug & Debbie Hall. 
  • Participate in at least one band fundraiser annually.
  • Attend classes and practices regularly.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to learning.
  • Value of a Scholarship: $750.00

The Munro Family Award

Established in 2000 by Penelope Munro to honour her family’s history on Prince Edward Island, this award is presented annually to a deserving student enrolled in The College of Piping’s drumming program.

Congratulations to the 2023 winner, Madeline Oliver!

Marion Riehl Award

Awarded annually to a Highland dance student, this award encourages participation in the art of Highland dance. Marion Riehl established the award in recognition of her family’s Scottish heritage.

Congratulations to the 2023 winner, Olivia MacKay!

The Ernest Shaw Memorial Award (Munro Award)

Established in 1999 by Penelope Munro in memory of her father, Ernest Shaw, this award is presented annually to a deserving bagpiping student.

Congratulations to the 2023 winner, Harrison Craig!

Scholarship Recipients

Harrison Craig: Piping Scholarship – Ernest Shaw Memorial Award
Madeline Oliver: Drumming Scholarship – Munro Family Award